Hello, I am Chus 👋
A full-stack web developer obsessed with performance and user experience. On this site you will find my last projects and some information about me.
About Me
My full name is Jesús Lorenzo Gallego, but I'm commonly known as Chus. I started programming in high school, creating video games in Scratch and experimenting with Arduino boards.
At some point, I began earning money by creating WordPress websites, which eventually led me to become a full-stack web developer today.
Software Developer
June 2022 - Present · 1 year 6 monthsI work as a Software Developer at Tindale&Stanton, financing my studies. During my time at the company, I led the development of a system and an API using Laravel that made possible the insertion of up to 100 daily orders into the ERP.
Since then, I have been solely responsible for its maintenance, ensuring its efficient and smooth operation. As part of this system, I developed the library PHP Execution Tracker.
Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Engineering
September 2019 - Present · 4 yearsPursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Engineering at the University of Alicante. During my time at university, I have undertaken various projects, with notable highlights including:
A tool to represent physics problems in a 3D virtual web environment developed with my teammates from ABP. My primary role involved conveying the idea, coordinating the team's efforts, and designing/implementing the physics engine.
We received several distinctions and recognition from professors and companies during events such as the DevCon UAcontenidos 2023.
I had the opportunity to contribute to a research article at the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality in 2023 (TEEM23).
As my final degree project, I proposed enhancing the physics engine of Solv3D, refactoring the entire code, and incorporating new modules such as Special and Gravitational Relativity.
Wanna get in touch? Send me an email 🤗